Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016


                                                  superintend natural disaster

Good night and peace make it more prosperous to all of us .To miss dini my respect and friends i love , let us gave thanks before the lord the one , over thanks to his and his grace , we can gather in this place without lack a anything . the this night , i would deliver a speech up the theme of overcoming natural disasters .The purpose of speech is to make we , as a man can manage natural disaster what we are are virtuous and right.
Natural disasters is a consequence of a combination of the activity of natural ( a physical event , such as volcanic eruption , an earthquake , landslides ) and human activity .Our earth this , is getting often experienced a natural disaster , whether it is naturally or because of human activity .
The factors that cause the of the disasters that occurred naturally is an eruption of a dormant volcano, an earthquake, and landslides.All these things to happen naturally.
The factors that cause the natural disasters of the man is as illegal logging, and throwing garbage.Illegal logging and throwing garbage could cause flood is natural disasters.
We can manage natural disaster by raising conscientiousness in ourselves , especially natural disasters due to human activity .We can start from small things , as not throwing garbage .Government must also be actively participate in an effort to superinted natural disasters .For example , with affirmed its sanctions for violate the rules to not cut down trees illegally .Government must also be can provide an example for the community .Thus , the people will see and become out to do as with another that was by the government .It would be very helpful in overcoming natural disasters .
The conclusion is overcoming natural disasters to start of things small and requires conscientiousness in ourselves.
Thus speech to report.May this beneficial to us all.Apologize if there was a mistake said.God bless.Good night.

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